Should I Wear Sunscreen Every Day?
Yup! Last Step in Morning Skin Protection: Broad Spectrum 30+ Sunscreen To shield your skin from the damaging effects of the sun, our final recommendation for your morning routine is to use broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen, which protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Despite the beneficial aspects of sun exposure, it’s crucial to safeguard your skin. While we appreciate activities like sun gazing and grounding in moderation, it’s essential to prioritize skin protection. Whether you have fair, dark, or medium skin tone, sun protection is key. Remember, sunscreen and sunblock serve different purposes: sunscreen absorbs UV rays, whereas sunblock creates a barrier to prevent them from reaching your skin. If you have sensitive skin, sunblock might be a better option. Look for products with micronized zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as active ingredients, as they are effective and safer for you and the environment. Even on cloudy days, harmful ultraviolet rays are still present.